Feature #89115
Updated by Susanne Moog over 5 years ago
[Concept as discussed between Benni/Susi]
When a slug is updated by a user (by manually pressing the button), a redirect from the old URL to the new URL should be created.
After creation of the redirect a notification should be shown to the user. The notification should contain a link to remove the redirect again.
-> Update Slug
-> Auto-Create Redirect
-> Show Notification ("... created redirect... <Remove redirect>").
EXT:redirects is installed (Code should live in EXT:redirects)
Advanced use case:
When a user updates a slug of a page that has subpages, all subpage slugs starting with the current slug should also be updated and redirected. This batch operation should also be revertable via the notification.
Additional Info:
* Redirects should have a defined life time (stop date) - for example 30 days (maybe make it configurable?)
* Behaviour should have a global enable/disable switch per site