Bug #90222
Updated by Elias Häußler almost 5 years ago
In backend forms, if one generates a slug manually by pressing the "recreate" button next to a slug field, the visual output (label indicating the successful/failed slug proposal) is broken if no slash is defined to be prepended. To test this, one can easily add a (or use an existing) slug field to a table other than "pages" (as slash prepending is here enabled by default) without defining the @prependsSlash@ configuration in TCA (or setting it explicitly to @false@). Now, if one recreates the slug in backend form, the visual output should look like this: !Bildschirmfoto%202020-01-27%20um%2021.31.57.png! !slug-currently! For the visual output, we should ensure the proposal is always prepended by a slash in order to make the visual output more clear. It should then look like this (note the slash between "en" and "subpage-1"): this: !Bildschirmfoto%202020-01-27%20um%2021.32.14.png! The value itself should not be touched anytime, it's just about visual beauty :) !slug-without-enforced-slash!