


Bug #90736

Updated by Jan Kornblum almost 5 years ago

In a multidomain environment (where the sites are not located in the first level) the "is_siteroot" pages slugs are generated wrong. In addition, there is currently no possibility to manage them without directly modifying the slug in the database. 

 For example, if a new page is created in level 2, depending on the way it is created (wizard and from type of the parent from which executed) the slug field is shown in tca form. Even if slug is set to "/" here, "/1" or similar is saved instead. After that the field is not shown ony more at all.  

 Suggestion: At least when the created page is set to "is_siteroot", the slug should automatically bet set to "/". 

 Regarding multi language sites (like in my case), the behaviour should be checked, too. But it looks like the translated pages slug ist correctly set to "/". 

 I am using version verison 9.5.14. 

 - Root [0] 
 -- Start [1] (Just for assigning some global TS, often use case) 
 --- Domain A [is_siteroot + site configuration] -> Slug is set to "domaina" or (if set to "/" if form is shown) to "/1" 
 --- Domain B [is_siteroos + site configuration] -> Slug is set to "domainb" or (if set to "/" if form is shown) to "/2" 
