


Feature #90825

Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 4 years ago

This is a kind of follow-up of ticket #22113 

 It is currently possible (TYPO3 9.5.14 and 10.4.0-dev) to link to an explicit language version of a page with the following procedure: 

 h3. Prerequisites 

 1) At least an additional language (e.g. with ID=1) and some translated pages 
 2) If you want to use the RTE, enable the    "additional parameter selector"    with the TSConfig 

 <pre> = 1</pre> 

 h3. Procedure 

 1) Open the "link wizard" on the    @[header_link]@    field or using the RTE 
 2) On the "additional parameter selector" write "&L=1" 
 3) Select the appropriate target page 

 This works,but it has some usability flaws: 

 1) on the select link wizard you have to write &L=1 (for example) inside the "Additional link parameters" field so the editor must know what parameter is needed and its syntax 
 2) on the select link wizard, you must write &L=1 inside the "Additional link parameters" field before choosing the page, or the wizard popup will close and the procedure must be repeated :) 
 3) the editor must know beforehand that the target page is translated 

 I set this issue as "feature", feel free to change it if needed.
