


Bug #90954

Updated by Riccardo De Contardi almost 5 years ago

h3. Prerequisites 

 * TYPO3: 10.3.0 (really fresh installation) 
 * an "Editors" BE group, with full ACL, db mount from home, filemounts, Edit Live: YES 
 * an "Editor" BE user; inherits mounts from group (Editors); Edit Live: YES 
 * A "draft" workspace; no custom stages, mountpoint: Home; Members: Editor (the user) 

 h3. Test 1 

 1) with admin user-> Live workspace -> create a CE with headline "LIVE", save 
 2) switch to draft workspace -> edit the element, change it into "DRAFT", save 
 3) log in with editor (I used a different browser) 

 h3. Results: 

 a. when logged in *you are already in draft workspace* 
 b. switch to LIVE and visit the page with the CE created at point 1) of test 1 
 c. *you are seeing the DRAFT version (!)* 
 d. if you refresh your browser, *you will get again in draft workspace* 

 h3. Test 2 

 1) as admin user -> edit the workspace, and set as Members: Editors (the group) and remove Editor (the user) 
 2) log in with editor (I used a different browser) 

 h3. Results: 

 a. when logged in, you are in LIVE workspace 
 b. switch to draft workspace and visit the page with the CE created at point 1) of the test 1 
 c. *you are seeing the LIVE version (!)* 

 h3. Conclusion:  

 I could be wrong , but it seems that the t_he workspace switch is not working at all_, and it just refreshes the top header but not the rest of the CMS. 

 h3. additional notes 

 1) the effect is more evident if you change the page title of a page in the draft workspace, it is evident that the workspace switch does not work properly 
 2) The issue is present only on 10.3 and above, it does not affect 9.5.x 
 3) The issue only affects editor users, it does not appear with admin users. 
 4) The issue is present also if you put the editor user/editors group as workspace owners 
 5) It is not browser-dependent 

 h3. additional informations 

 I am using MAMP on MAC, with PHP 7.3.9, but it seems to happen also with 7.2.22 and 7.4.1
