


Task #90806

Updated by Sybille Peters about 4 years ago

Currently, there are no automatic checks to check for formatting errors in changelog. 

 * There are some checks though that check if the changelog complies to changelog conventions: Build/Scripts/validateRstFiles.php 
 * when building the docs, a Documentation-GENERATED-temp/Result/project/0.0.0/_buildinfo/warnings.txt is created, but this does not include some formatting errors which go undetected. However, it will report some problems.  
 * there may be other 3rdparty tools available I am not aware of.  

 Possibly an additional script could be added to check the changelogs for formatting problems. 

 Apparently, the best practice is using PHP scripts, see Build/Scripts/validateRstFiles.php or ask on Slack.  

 h2. Problems with lists 

 Common problem is missing newline before the list. This will not get rendered correctly, see 

 You can easily find these with the following command: 

 <pre><code class="text"> 
 cd typo3/sysext/core/Documentation 
 grep -r -B 1 -E "^(\*|\-) " . | grep "rst-" | grep -v -E "rst-(\*|$|    )" 

 grep -r -A 1 -E "^(\*|\-) " . | grep "rst-" | grep -v -E "rst-(\*|$|    )" 


 h2. More ... 


 h2. Indenting 

 An additional problem (that manifests itself since the new theme) is a problem with unnecessary indenting. This is currently not mentioned (yet) in the "Common Pitfalls" chapter.  

 If you indent where it is not necessary, the block will be rendered as a quote (which is not what you want in most cases unless you really are using a quote), see
