


Bug #92372

Updated by Oliver Hader almost 4 years ago

h2. Steps 

 * in live 
 ** having a page 
 ** having three content elements A, B, C on that page 
 ** having page localization of that page 
 ** having all three content elements localized (in connected mode) 
 * in workspace 
 ** move content element A after B 
 ** copy that page as new sibling on same level 

 h2. Bugs 

 * localized version of moved record (having move-placeholders in workspace) are duplicated 
 ** → localized version of element A is show twice in backend 
 ** → in the frontend there is just one record rendered, no duplicates 
 * copied content elements in that page are not reflecting the proper order 
 ** → should be B, A, C 
 ** → actually is A, B, C since order was taken from live workspace, move-placeholders were ignored when copying the page 

 Tests at (starting in line 36 with uids 335+) unfortunately contain this misbehaviour... 
