Feature #92822
Updated by Sybille Peters over 4 years ago
As already mentioned the problem of "false positives" can make working with linkvalidator difficult and tedious. False positives can be the case because: * sometimes a URL is checked as false even if it is not (domains with cookies, login restrictions, etc.) * in spite of bug fixing - there may still be problems with external URLs which cannot be checked correctly. The ignore list has 2 advantages: 1. give editors the possibility to get rid of the false positives 2. collect these problem cases. Admins can then sift through them and use this for bug reporting. h2. How this works * A link target can be ignored with an ignore button !ignore-button.png! * The ignore criteria can either be edited (or just use exact match url by default?) * From usability point of view, it would probably be preferable to just create the ignore record and possibly edit it later default) !ignore_edit.png! * The ignored urls will then not be shown in the list, but can be edited separately * Ignore lists could be maintained in a central place (pid=0) or per site