Bug #92987
Updated by André Buchmann about 4 years ago
*Description:* When the preview button in the docheader is pressed, not the actual site is shown but the root page. The preview button in the page details or in the page-tree context menu shows the selected page. Buttons on language columns also show the root page. Failing buttos are red, working buttons are green: !preview-page-docheader_not-working.png! !preview-pagetree-contextmenu_works.png! !preview-page-detail-translation_works.png! Please see details of this comment: https://forge.typo3.org/issues/86653#note-49 Typo3 Version: 9.5.23 and 10.4.10 *To test this:* 1. create a page and set starttime to a future date. 2. click on preview button in docheader while in column/language view *Expected result:* See the page content of the selected / current page *What i can see:* The root page is shown with the parameter "?ADMCMD_simTime=123456789"