


Bug #92987

Updated by André Buchmann about 4 years ago


 When the preview button in the docheader is pressed, not the actual site is shown but the root page. The preview button in the page details or in the page-tree context menu shows the selected page. Buttons on language columns also show the root page. 

 Failing buttos are red, working buttons are green: 



 !preview-page-detail-translation_works.png! Please see details of this comment: 

 Typo3 Version: 9.5.23 and 10.4.10 

 *To test this:* 

 1. create a page and set starttime to a future date. 
 2. click on preview button in docheader while in column/language view 

 *Expected result:* 

 See the page content of the selected / current page 

 *What i can see:* 

 The root page is shown with the parameter "?ADMCMD_simTime=123456789" 
