


Bug #93221

Updated by Andreas Kießling over 3 years ago

My hoster currently has proc_open included in the disable_functions, this causes errors with the new Symfony mailer. 

 They do show up in the error log:  
 _Core: Error handler (FE): PHP Warning: proc_open() has been disabled for security reasons in /var/www/foo/bar/vendor/symfony/mailer/Transport/Smtp/Stream/ProcessStream.php line 41_ 

 However, the error message from the Environment module does not help at all 
 > Some PHP functions disabled 
 > disable_functions=passthru shell_exec system proc_open popen parse_ini_file show_source These function(s) are disabled. TYPO3 uses some of those, so there might be trouble. TYPO3 is designed to use the default set of PHP functions plus some common extensions. Possibly these functions are disabled due to security considerations and most likely the list would include a function like exec() which is used by TYPO3 at various places. Depending on which exact functions are disabled, some parts of the system may just break without further notice. 

 I'd expect to get a more detailed information, so i can tell my hoster what to change and why that setting is needed, before i get the first error in the log needed
