


Bug #93409

Updated by Sybille Peters over 3 years ago

Parsing of URLs without a <a href tag in tt_content.bodytext gets inconsistent results. 

 Sometimes it is a link in the frontend, sometimes not, the rendering of frontend and RTE is not always consistent. 

 h2. Example 1 

 <p>Weitere Informationen sind auf der Webseite des Projekts zu finden<br /> 
 BUNDjugend, Klasse Klima (<br /> 

 * In the frontend, the first URL is rendered as link, the second is not 
 * In the RTE, both links are not rendered as links 

 h2. Example 2 

 URL without <a href and directly followed by a ")" gets different results: 

 1. is rendered as link in frontend 
 2. is not rendered as link in RTE 
 3. is incorrectly evaluated by linkvalidator as URL with the ), so e.g. URL "" becomes "" 

 tt_content.bodytext has softref:  


 I have wondered about the "url" in there, if you remove that you could just parse explicit links with "<a>" as links which seems to me to be a "cleaner" solution.  

 h2. Example 

 The following (raw) example text in tt_content.bodytext: 

 <pre><code class="html"> 
 <p>(some url http://t3coredev/sdfdsf2) more text ...</p> 

 h2. system 

 * latest master 
 * with Introduction package 
 * points 2 and 3 can be reproduced without Introduction Package, did not test 1) as that requires rendering of content in frontend 
