


Feature #94278

Updated by Sybille Peters about 3 years ago

*Update* : Issue title and text was updated: _PageLayoutView_ is no longer used in 11 and only used in 9 or 10 if feature toggle _fluidBasedPageModule_ is not set. e.g. via an event. 

 Now, the functionality can be found in  

 * EXT:backend/Classes/View/BackendLayout/Grid/LanguageColumn.php 
 * EXT:backend/Resources/Private/Partials/PageLayout/LanguageColumns.html 


 In any case, it This would be nice to be able to extend a useful requirement for extending the creation of the displayed language button. 

 h2. Requirements 

 Besides the "copy" and "translate" button and description, it should be possible to add additional buttons and they should be made configurable. 

 e.g. configure 

 # already existing core page TSconfig 
 # NEW 

 h2. What is missing 

 * it is possible to override LanuageColumn.html, but there you would need access to the additional TSconfig. 

 h2. Possible Application 


 Currently the translation deepltranslate / wv_deepltranslate extends the translation mode buttons. But they are not made configurable. TYPO3 already has functionality to configure the buttons via TSConfig (enableTranslate, enableCopy).  

 TSConfig. But it is difficult for extensions to extend this functionality. 

 Currently, wv_translate always shows all the extra buttons which means 2 buttons for Google Translate and 2 buttons for DeepL translate. 

 But it is not possible to make this configurable currently - the buttons are always displayed. 

 More information is here: 

