


Bug #93540

Updated by Sybille Peters about 3 years ago

h2. Problems 

 1. Not intuitive to see which fields are affected by extendToSubpages 

 extendToSubpages applies to property *hidden* (among others). 

 It does not apply to *nav_hide* . 

 The way the options are grouped currently is misleading. It does not make it clear, what extendToSubpages apply to. One could assume it applys to all the options in the section (which would not include hidden) or all option in the row (which might include start and stop, depending on how the page is resized) or in the "Access" tab. 

 I would suggest to apply extendToSubpages to all options in the "Access" tab (including nav_hide) and remove the separator. 

 Alternatively, move nav_hide to the "Behaviour" tab. 

 Or at least group the options differently. 

 h2. Desired change ---- 

 1. rethink which options should be overriden with extendToSubpages (nav_hide yes?, others: ...) 
 2. change gui: Easy (Personally, I would remove this option entirely and make it easier to see which fields are affected by extendToSubpages apply page properties to subpages as well.) 
 3. on child pages: do not make settings available which will have no effect (because overriden by parent page), see comment by Stefan P: 
 4. improve docs  

 see also questions and suggestions below in comments. 
