


Story #94322

Updated by Sybille Peters about 3 years ago

TYPO3 backend => Info => Page TSconfig 

 h2. Proposed solution 

 1. Consistent naming in the select list (see #94322) 
 2. (?) Remove "Module: Web > Modules" - as a module "Modules" (as this no longer exists (#94324 exists) 
 3. Order not alphabetically, but logically (is already the case) 
 4. Same order in results for "all" as order in select list 
 5. Use the same naming scheme and order in the documentation: 


 * All 
 * Module [mod] 
 * Module: Web > Page [mod.web_layout] 
 * Module: Web > View [mod.web_view] 
 * ... 
 * Rich text editor [RTE] 

 to be done: find a nice descriptive representation for "TCEMAIN", "TCEFORM" ... 

 I am using the `[...]` style of putting the technical representation in brackets as that is already customary for e.g. page ids, page fields, fields in Flexform etc. in the Backend forms. 

 h2. Problem 

 In the select list, there is a mixture of showing the objects in  

 1. their *technical representation* as they are used in TSConfig, e.g. *"TCEMAIN"* 
 2. in a *full plaintext* representation, e.g. *"Module: Web>Page"*  
 3. and a *mixture* , e.g. " *"Module key (mod) with overruling user settings"* 

 Should be done consistently, IMHO. 

 Also, the sorting in the results for "all" should then be the same sorting as in the select list.  

 What I find important is that you can look at the list and then find this info in the documentation (and vice versa), maybe even have the docs page open while you go through the list.  

 h2. Example 

 When I look at "Module: Web>Page" I find this confusing. This is "mod.web_layout". I think it is done to point out where this applies and this is good, but you need both information. Here, the technical representation is missing, which also makes it difficult to use the option.  

 h2. Use case 

 You don't know all the options by heart and things are still a little muddled. You configured the Backend Layouts and now want to check in Info => Page TSConfig. 

 Where is it? You don't know. You can look at "all" and then find it (with CTRL+f) but then you still don't know where it is in the select list the next time you need it (unless you already clicked and "got" the relation "Web > Page = "web_layout").  

 If you do got directly to "Module: Web> Page" in the select list, you do not see the missing piece "web_layout" but you need it to define, e.g. 


 and not 


 This can make it error prone and confusing. 

 h2. screenshots 

