


Bug #95043

Updated by Tina Westner about 3 years ago

When creating a menu for each page the isSubMenu($uid) function is called. Is checks, if a page has subpages or not. The result depends on the given configuration for "includeNotInMenu". 

 But the return value is cached - and for this cache, the includeNotInMenu-setting is not taken into account. 

 *Example: My page has one subpages, it has nav_hide = 1.* 
 * -> My first menu is breadcrumb, we include nav_hide-pages. The result: isSubMenu returns true - there is one subpage. 
 * -> My main nav doesn't include nav_hide-pages. The result: is SubMenu should return false (there are no subpages, when nav_hided-pages are not taken into account), but it returns true - the cached value of my first call is returned. 
