Bug #96042
Updated by Sybille Peters about 3 years ago
h2. Reproduce I did not reproduce it exactly like this but it should be able to be reproducible: 1. Use a row updater 2. Apply this on a table with lots of rows and fields with lots of content (e.g. tt_content). When the QueryBuilder Statement is constructed, it will out of memory. h2. Additional information What is also already suspicious is that the row updater saves the current table and and start position in the registry in case the > "PHP ended for whatever reason". https://github.com/TYPO3/typo3/blob/23910371cb616ed0647ad4daa232be0ad9816c11/typo3/sysext/install/Classes/Updates/DatabaseRowsUpdateWizard.php#L163 h2. Possible todos 1. Fix this. Can be done with chunking, but how to define the size of chunks? this 2. Think about how to fix these things in general and find other places 3. Document the best practices, also for extension authors