


Bug #96824

Updated by Markus Goldbach over 2 years ago

If you create the default file and folder structure for the @var@-Folder via command @bin/typo3cms install:fixfolderstructure@ the DefaultFactory (@\TYPO3\CMS\Install\FolderStructure\DefaultFactory@) doesn't respect the configuiered createGroup. 
 So the files and folders has the default group of the current user. 

 I looked inside the Directory and FileNode class and instead of using the methods from @GeneralUtility@ the classes use plain PHP function to create the items. 

 I think the command should respect the createGroup Option, otherwise an installation can be broken after run this command, if the current user has not the webserver group as default group or is the webserver user. 

 I added two patches for the "typo3/cms-install" Package which fix the issue by using the functions from GeneralUtility.
