


Bug #96010

Updated by Sybille Peters over 2 years ago

h2. Reproduce 

 1. Install TYPO3 with latest core and introduction package (e.g. with DDEV and then install introduction intro package 

 Site configuration should also be created automatically, is: 


 <pre><code class="yaml"> 
 base: / 
     title: English 
     enabled: true 
     languageId: 0 
     base: / 
     typo3Language: default 
     locale: en_US.UTF-8 
     iso-639-1: en 
     navigationTitle: English 
     hreflang: en-US 
     direction: '' 
     flag: us 
     title: Dansk 
     enabled: true 
     languageId: 1 
     base: /da/ 
     typo3Language: da 
     locale: da_DK.UTF-8 
     iso-639-1: da 
     navigationTitle: Dansk 
     hreflang: da-DK 
     direction: '' 
     fallbackType: fallback 
     fallbacks: '' 
     flag: dk 
     title: German 
     enabled: true 
     languageId: 2 
     base: /de/ 
     typo3Language: de 
     locale: de_DE.UTF-8 
     iso-639-1: de 
     navigationTitle: Deutsch 
     hreflang: de-DE 
     direction: '' 
     fallbackType: fallback 
     fallbacks: '1,0' 
     flag: de 
 rootPageId: 1 
 websiteTitle: 'TYPO3 Introduction Package' 


 2. Create translation (German) for page /features, set slug to /features-de. 

 Revert redirects to reduce site-effects. 

 3. Enable the translated page 

 4. Load the 2 URLs: 

 * @/de/features-de@ (this is correct) 
 * @/de/features@ (this is not - it uses the slug of the default language) 

 h2. Actual result 

 both URLs load the same page 

 Also compare the source code - it will show the same canonical URL and same page ID: 

 <pre><code class="html"> 
 <link rel="canonical" href="/de/features-de"/> 
 <body id="p81" class="page-81 pagelevel-1 language-2 backendlayout-default layout-default"> 

 h2. Expected result 

 @/de/features@ should show an error page  

 h2. Versions 

 * was reproduced with latest master 
 * also 10.4.21 

 h2. Impact 

 This results in duplicate content: same page with several URLs. This can also result in redirect chains which do not get detected with redirect:checkintegrity (I had several of these, investigating I found this issue).
