


Feature #92576

Updated by Sybille Peters over 2 years ago

h2. Use case:  

 Sometimes one wants to go to a specific page in the backend.  

 One idea to do this is to filter by uid in the pagetree filter.  

 It is possible to filter by uid but this often yields too many results (because the uid is also searched in the title and other fields). results.  

 h2. Example:  

 I have many examples like this in my site, e.g. when trying to filter by a uid. 

 When searching for matching pages, the search is performed like this (v10): 

 If the value is numeric, an exact search in uid is added to the search query. 

 But the search is combined by OR with the other constraints: 

 * uid=VALUE 
 * nav_title LIKE %VALUE% 
 * title LIKE %VALUE% 

 So results are often found, if a title or nav_title contains numbers (e.g. a year). 

 Filter by "1" in "Introduction installation" 


 h2. Proposal  

 Make it possible to explicitly filter by uid by prepending it with uid=. The rest of the behaviour stays the same.  


 h1. Further possible solutions 

 Twitter: "Tweet": 

 > Usecase 1: I have the page opened in FE, I want to jump to this specific page in the backend.  

 > Usecase 2: I already have the page id or URL and am in BE and want to jump to the page. 

 Some feedback suggests there is a wish to extend this further and not just filter by uid. 

 Comments from Twitter and Gerrit: 


 > You know what’s even more important (to me)? Having a focus on the found page inside the full tree after your search. 

 "Alex Schnitzler": 


 > What I'm often missing is use case 1. Allowing the filter to search also in absolute frontend URLs might help there. E.g. you copy the FE URL and filter by it -> page tree focus on the page with that URL (or closest match of parent page if it for example is a news detail URL) 

 "Claus Due": 


 > My question would be, should we extend it again per psr14 event? For me it is conceivable to search for further fields, for example, as the integrator would like to extend it for himself. 

 "Guido Schmechel": 


 > What about something like this? 


 "Sybille Peters": 


 > I like the idea here but I find myself thinking if we should make it even more generic so you can filter by any (valid TCA) property, e.g.: 
 > no_index=1 
 > slug=mypage 
 > hidden=1 

 > This might bring a significant benefit in being able to get overviews of all pages configured in a certain way, in addition to being able to search for specific UIDs. 

 > Much like Solr has the "field:somevalue" syntax for filters! 

 "Claus Due": 


 > I did something similar with visual search in a flow package. 

 See "FLOW.VisualSearch": 

 Kay Strobach 

 > You may also checkout the search in gitlab. It’s also nice from the UI. 

 Kay Strobach 


 etc. ... there is more on Twitter 

 h2. Subproblems 

 * how to jump to a specific page in the page tree? - additionally to filtering there was a wish to jump to the page - if result is one page 
 * get exact page match (or uid) from URL? - in order to be able to copy the URL into the field as well. 

 h2. Related 

 * current page selected - looses focus after filter is released 


 > What I am talking about is this: I have a tree with around 3000 pages, heavily nested. I search a page, find it, but then habe that page selected and the roofline opened after removing the search word. I have to remember the rootline and open it manually then. 

 "Alex Schnitzler": 


 > In an instance with 12k pages and I often find myself taking root path notes on paper to locate the page again after releasing the filter 
