


Bug #92684

Updated by Simon Schaufelberger over 2 years ago

 * Search 

 Affected WCAG 2.1 Success criterions 
 * 1.4.11 Non-Text Contrast (WCAG 2.1) AA 
 * 2.4.7 Focus Visible AA 

 Affected components 
 * Text input 
 * Select 

 The form inputs and selects at the search detail page (choose "Show all" in search or activate search fields on page view) have an insufficient contrast ratio of 1.8:1 (border color: #BABBBA, background color #F9FAF9), see WebAIM Color Contrast Checker. 

 When focussed, the elements get a subtle box-shadow and the border-color changes from #BABBBA to #AAAAAA, which is an insufficient contrast change from 1.2:1, see WebAIM Color Contrast Checker. 

 To fulfill the minimum contrast ratio for form inputs, implement the following: 

 * increase the contrast ratio of the border color for the form inputs and selects    to a minimum value of 3:1. 
 * increase the contrast ratio of the border color for the focussed form inputs and selects to a minimum value of 3:1 


