


Bug #79511

Updated by Simon Schaufelberger about 2 years ago

If i crop a watermark image with GIFBUILDER, it will work with a crop-X-value of 0. 
 If i crop with a X-value of 30 it will throw a error (see screenshot) 

 There is a incomplete filename in the call imageCreateFromFile("/home/www/p384125/html/typo3/fileadmin/_processed_/5/d/csm_3D_a059d90") 
 This immage ist correctly saved in .._processed_/5/d/ with filename csm_3D_a059d90350.gif 

 my code for the watermark: 
     file = GIFBUILDER 
     file { 
         XY = [10.w],[10.h] 
         format = jpg 
         quality = 90 
         maxW = 1920 
         maxH = 1080 

         10 = IMAGE 
         10 { 
             file { 
                 import.field = uid 
                 treatIdAsReference = 1 
                 width.field = imageWidth 
                 maxW.field = maxImageWidth 
                 maxW.noTrimWrap = ||c| 
                 #crop = 0,0,1498,829 
                 crop = 30,0,1498,829 

         15 = IMAGE 
         15.file = fileadmin/copyright.png 
         15.mask = fileadmin/copyright-mask2.png 


