Epic #95904
Updated by Björn Jacob almost 3 years ago
This issue was raised during the T3MC session "Zap the gremlins". The issue has been discussed in April 2022 in the #typo3-cms-coredev channel (https://typo3.slack.com/archives/C03AM9R17/p1650369198186799). The following is the result of the discussion. h2. General requirements * preferred format: YAML * core uses it already * can be commented * definitions can be shipped with extensions * the functionality can be compared with the handling of Site configuration * Site configuration (still) has implicit dependencies on UID values in `rootPageId` and `limitToPages` (for route enhancers) * replacing those UIDs by distinct / universally-unique seems to be a good way to go * events should be provided * as with the Site configuration * allows extension authors to hang in there dynamically before / after the cache building * overwriting / modification should be simple * it is a no-brainer to inherit the default "news editor" and remove some fields or add another backend module h2. User Groups * groups should be understood as roles, e.g. "news editor" * a role * includes corresponding permissions (= contains the access control) * should be assigned to a group (= collection of roles) * a group * will be assigned to a user * contains the DB and file mounts * be_groups needs an additional string identifier to avoid relying on autoincrement IDs * we recommend a human readable string identifier which helps to handle those definitions h3. Problems to be discussed * using string identifiers do not guarantee uniqueness -> having a UUID could solve the problem but causes additional work on datahandler (which considers everything not a UID to be a new record placeholder, if it starts with NEW) h2. ## Users * handling of one or more user records h3. Problems to be discussed * handling of sensitive data (passwordl, name, email address) Handling user groups would solve a big problem and would be a huge improvement. The import and export of users is rather complex, the value small. There are some *solutions* already out there: * https://packagist.org/packages/maxserv/yaml_configuration * Benni Mack might have a PoC somewhere :)