


Bug #97498

Updated by Stefan P about 2 years ago

We have an enum field like this: 

 @enum_field enum ('A', 'B', 'C') default 'A' not null@ 

 We switched from MySQL to MariaDB. On MySQL this made no problems in the DB comparison in the Install Tool, but on MariaDB the DB comparison always trys to alter it, because it detects the field as this (note the triple-quoting quoting on the default value): 

 @enum_field enum ('A', 'B', 'C') default '''A''' "'A'" not null@ 

 Additional info: this does also happen if declaring the field as nullable and using @default null@ - TYPO3 then detects @default 'null'@ (the string "null", not the literal null value)! 

 It happens with both drivers, @mysqliq@ and @pdo_mysql@. On MySQL it works with both drivers, on MariaDB this change is alwas suggested with both drivers. 

 I'm not sure whether this is a Doctrine DBAL or a TYPO3 bug. 

 Discovered on v10, probably valid in others, too (v11 uses teh same DBAL version, so I assume it's still in there).
