


Task #97503

Updated by Andreas Steiger about 2 years ago

As an editor i want to read and edit the content of an input field with enough space also in a property grid of form inspector. 

 *current pain* 
 The property grid of the inspector in the form module / form framework is a small table in the limited width auf the right inspecor width. If you have for example a Multicheckbox element, you get a property grid table to fill in the items. if your label is longer than 6 characters, it will be cut off. To read and edit words with more than 6 characters is quiet hard here. 

 The selected, tiny input field of the proberty grid resize the field width to a bigger field as it is focused. If the editor is editing the field, he has enough space to read and edit the content. 

 Releated to #91924  

 *possible view* 

