


Bug #24209

Updated by Simon Schaufelberger about 2 years ago

HMENU provides three registers: count_menuItems, count_HMENU_MENUOBJ and count_MENUOBJ. 

 count_menuItems is meant to provide the number of items in the current menu. 
 count_HMENU_MENUOBJ is meant to provide the current number of a menu item with regards to the whole HMENU. 
 count_MENUOBJ does the same but for inside the current menu. 

 count_MENUOBJ is not properly initialized on each menu/submenu and thus contains the same value as count_HMENU_MENUOBJ. The solution is to reset count_MENUOBJ properly, taking into account that one must not loose the count of the current menu when "coming back" from a submenu. 


 The following TS can be used to test the issue: 


 lib.someMenu = HMENU 
 lib.someMenu { 
     1 = TMENU 
     1 { 
         expAll = 1 
         wrap = &lt;ul&gt;|&lt;/ul&gt; 
         NO { 
             wrapItemAndSub.cObject = TEXT 
             wrapItemAndSub.cObject.value = -| 
             wrapItemAndSub.cObject.noTrimWrap = |&lt;li&gt; ({register:count_menuItems} - {register:count_HMENU_MENUOBJ} - {register:count_MENUOBJ}) |&lt;/li&gt;| 
             wrapItemAndSub.cObject.insertData = 1 
     2 < .1 
     2.NO.wrapItemAndSub.cObject.value = --| 
     3 < .1 
     3.NO.wrapItemAndSub.cObject.value = ---| 

 It will show all the above-mentioned register. count_MENUOBJ is the last one. Observe how it has the same value as count_HMENU_MENUOBJ. Apply the patch and check again. Now count_MENUOBJ is incremented per menu. 
 (issue imported from #M16573)
