


Task #98321

Updated by Oliver Hader almost 2 years ago

I'm pretty sure there are still a bunch of "undefined array key" warnings hidden in the TYPO3 core when used in combination with PHP 8. 

 To identify and address those issues, I created a PsalmPHP plugin tweaking some static code analysis topics (e.g. static/self references, or ignoring @$GLOBALS@) for creating a list with potential code locations that could be enhanced. This list is quite long and some aspects might feel okayish... Anyway, I'm just posting the results as TXT and SARIF file. 

 h3. Processing 

 # process with max. 1 thread 
 bin/psalm --memory-limit=8G --threads=1 --no-cache \ 
	 --report=results.sarif --output-format=github 

 # Visual Studio Code SARIF needs special JSON and absolute paths 
 (@sed@ on macOS neeeds `-i ''`, on Linux just `-i`) 
 sed -i '' \ 
	 -e 's,\\/,/,g' \ 
	 -e's,{"uri":"typo3/,{"uri":"'"$(pwd)"'/typo3/,g' results.sarif 

 h3. Tools 


 h3. Subtasks 

 The subtasks of this issue are basically each system extension, that has been approached systematically.
