


Bug #100078

Updated by Sybille Peters over 1 year ago

*Update* : To reproduce, send the email via CLI, not in the backend. If the email is sent via the backend, the logo is not embedded, but link is at least correct. If email is sent via cli, the URL displayed in the footer, is also not displayed correclty:  

 > This email was sent by ... Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg from URL: - Please con 

 This is a bug and feature request (bug because of described problems). Feature (maybe) because the behaviour will change. 

 Currently, for the TYPO3 SVG logo is used like this in SystemEmail Fluid layout: 

 <img src="{normalizedParams.siteUrl}{f:uri.resource(path: 'EXT:core/Resources/Public/Images/typo3_orange.svg')}" alt="TYPO3 Logo" height="41" width="150" /> 

 This may result in a relative URL which does not work. 

 The SVG could be embedded as SVG in the SystemLayout.html (typo3/sysext/core/Resources/Private/Layouts/SystemEmail.html) 

 I suppose this does not get noticed, because most people use their own layout. But in linkvalidator, for example, it is used by default.
