Bug #100856
Updated by Alexander Stehlik over 1 year ago
There seems to be an error in the logic of @\TYPO3\CMS\Install\Service\SilentConfigurationUpgradeService::migrateVersionNumberInFileNameSetting()@: The option is always removed, when the value is not @embed@: <pre><code class="php"> if ($currentOption === 'embed') { $confManager->setLocalConfigurationValueByPath('FE/versionNumberInFilename', true); } else { $confManager->removeLocalConfigurationKeysByPath(['FE/versionNumberInFilename']); } </code></pre> This does not seem to make sense because the value is also removed, when it is set to @true@. Am I missing something here or this be a conditional else, something like: <pre><code class="php"> if ($currentOption === 'embed') { ... } elseif (!$currentOption) { $confManager->removeLocalConfigurationKeysByPath(['FE/versionNumberInFilename']); } </code></pre> is the @else@ part obsolete?