


Bug #100872

Updated by Alexander Stehlik about 1 year ago

 When using the @EXTBASEPLUGIN@ content element outside the @lib.contentElement@ context the request attribute @currentContentObject@ is not filled correctly. 

 The problem only occurs when the content is rendered with the f:cObject view helper in a FLUIDTEMPLATE content object. This is a minimal page setup with fluid_styled_content TypoScript included: 

 lib.content.main < styles.content.get 

 page = PAGE 
 page.100 = FLUIDTEMPLATE 
 page.100.template = TEXT 
 page.100.template.value = <p>The form</p><f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.content.main"/></p> 

 It can be tested by changing the config of the @form_formframework@ content element: 

 This works (the default config): 

 tt_content.form_formframework =< lib.contentElement 
 tt_content.form_formframework { 
     20 { 
         extensionName = Form 
         pluginName = Formframework         
     templateName = Generic  

 When rendering the plugin directly, the @currentContentObject@ is @null@ : 

 tt_content.form_formframework > 
 tt_content.form_formframework = EXTBASEPLUGIN 
 tt_content.form_formframework { 
     extensionName = Form 
     pluginName = Formframework 

 And maybe this is related: I just realized that the settings-Array is also empty in the second example.
