


Bug #100758

Updated by Markus Klein 12 months ago

Using f:form* or f:*.action viewhelpers does not work anymore outside of extbase context. For instance within StandaloneView or FLUIDTEMPLATE. 

 StandaloneView is regularily used for rendering e-mail and there of course links should be generated. 

 It should be checked if this still works: 

 * f:form viewhelper do correctly prefix the fieldnames. E.g. having an non-extbase plugin using StandaloneView the prefix should be like `tx_myext_pi1[name]` for a name input field 


 Collection of notes from other forge issues: 

 f:form - Exception: 
 (1/1) #1639821904 RuntimeException 
 ViewHelper f:form can be used only in extbase context and needs a request implementing extbase RequestInterface. 
 /vendor/typo3/cms-fluid/Classes/ViewHelpers/FormViewHelper.php line 148 

 f:link.action - Exception 
 (1/1) #1639818540 RuntimeException 
 ViewHelper f:link.action can be used only in extbase context and needs a request implementing extbase RequestInterface. 
 /vendor/typo3/cms-fluid/Classes/ViewHelpers/Link/ActionViewHelper.php line 81 

 In both cases the "TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\ServerRequest object" is in the $request instead the RequestInterface.
