


Bug #101674

Updated by Sybille Peters 11 months ago

The linkvalidator linktypes checkbox selector can be a bit tedious to use. 

 On initially using linkvalidator, all linktypes are usually deactivated by default. So you would have to activate them all, clicking 3 or more times (there may be more custom linktypes configured). 

 Also, if not just the Reports but the Check view is enabled, you have to repeat this again. 

 h2. Possible improvement 

 Add a "Toggle all" checkbox as is already used in the SelectCheckBoxElement FormEngine renderType. (the FormEngine version can be looked at using the styleguide extension: list view, page "elements select"): extension). 


 h2. Screenshots 





 h2. Implementation details 

 Since Linkvalidator uses Fluid for the view, we would probably have to write that from scratch
