


Bug #102114

Updated by Riccardo De Contardi 9 months ago

Steps to reproduce on version 13.0.0-dev (latest master) 

 1) Create a page (drag and drop it from pagetree) and name it e.g. "test". 
 2) Open the context menu of pagetree for the page and choose "delete" 
 3) The modal opens and reads: 

 Are you sure you want to delete &#039;test [pages:234]&#039;? &#39;test [pages:234]&#39;? 

 Expected result: 

 Are you sure you want to delete 'test [pages:234]'? 

 - It does not affect the delete modal opened via the delete after editing the page properties, just the modal opened via the context menu of page tree 
 - It does not seem to affect TYPO3 12 (Not tested with 11)
