Feature #103072
Updated by Mathias Brodala 12 months ago
Currently the TCA of TYPO3 knows these @ctrl@ options to enable and manage translation behavior for tables: - @languageField@ (@sys_language_uid@ by convention) - @transOrigPointerField@ (@l10n_parent@ by convention, @l18n_parent@ in @tt_content@) - @translationSource@(@l10n_source@ by convention) @translationSource@ - @transOrigDiffSourceField@ (@l10n_diffsource@ by convention, @l18n_diffsource@ in @tt_content@) Each of these have 2 purposes: 1. Enable translations or a related feature 2. Tell TYPO3 which DB field to use in queries This by itself is a problem but the main question is whether the names of these DB fields need to be configurable at all. There are recently a lot of consolidations and simplifications in TCA. The same could be applied here: - Turn these options from @string@ to @bool@, thus only enable/disable the feature. TYPO3 would then use fixed DB field names and thus fully manage these. - Consolidate/merge these options with better and clearer names, e.g. @'enableTranslations' => true@, @'trackTranslationDifferences' => true@ or similar.