


Bug #103299

Updated by Xavier Perseguers 4 months ago

This has been spotted right now while working with TYPO3 v11. Problem does not exist in TYPO3 v10. Did not test yet in newer TYPO3 versions. 

 h2. How to reproduce 

 1. Any any record 
 2. Switch to some date or date/time field (e.g., "end date" within "Access") 
 3. Choose a date with the date picker 
 4. Click in the input field to manually change the month: 
 5. Change the month to some *1 digit* month number (e.g., "04-3-2024") "2024-3-06") 
 6. Go away of the field by clicking somewhere else 

 h2. Expected behaviour (working in TYPO3 v10) 

 - The date field is normalized to 04-03-2024 2024-03-06 (possibly with a time associated) 

 h2. Actual behaviour 

 - The date field is cleared
