


Feature #103414

Updated by Dan Kleine (Untenzu) 4 months ago

As an editor, I want to use date fields in the backend search to limit long search hit lists to the selection that is relevant to me. 

 Background: My editors often have to search for specific records and the general search offers an unusable number of results for larger instances. A useful restriction would often be to be able to select a time period for a specific date field. 


 * Search for »Apple« in the demo instance (see screenshot) 

 Use Cases: 

 * All content elements created after 01.01.2024 (crdate) 
 * All content elements that were created before 28.02.2024 (crdate) 
 * All pages that were last edited before 01.01.2020 (tstamp) 
 * All news with a publication date between 01.01.2022 and 31.12.2023 (datetime) 
 * All events with a start date after 01.02.2024 and before 01.03.2024 (startdate) 
