


Feature #103418

Updated by Dan Kleine (Untenzu) 4 months ago

As an editor I want to be encouraged to fill out some meta information for files, when I upload and attach them to a content element. 


 Right now I am able to upload an image within a content element. A little preview is shown, and fields to *overwrite* the title and the alternative text, which have no default value yet. Only after I hit »save«, I am able to click an edit button to be redirected to the meta form of the original file and change the default values in there. 

 I have observed that many editors don't click the edit button in this situation but instead tend to "overwrite" non-existing meta information. And keep this behaviour for relations as well (only overwrite, never set a default value). valkue).  


 How can we improve UI/UX to encourage filling out the information of the original file first instead of always overwriting it only? 
