


Feature #103416

Updated by Dan Kleine (Untenzu) 4 months ago

As an editor, I would like to display individual fields for files - just as in the list module of content - and only be able to edit these fields in order to be able to add missing data more quickly. 


 In the file list in the filelist module, I can show/hide display individual fields as columns in the list view of all files. as an editor. Just like in the list module in the content area. It is also possible to edit several selected data records at once. 
 However, unlike in the list module, this does not work for individual fields. See screenshots attached (, 

 Use Case:  

 Editor wants to see the »Copyright« "Copyright" field of for all files. And then only want to edit this the one field for images where this the field is empty. 
 Right now they need to open the open the complete metadata mask for all selected files, switch the tab in all selected files, search for the field copyright and save. Thats not very fancy when you have to do this task often oftern and for many files.
