


Task #103496

Updated by Mathias Brodala 4 months ago

The configuration option @SYS/ddmmyy@ is set to @d-m-y@ which has issues: 

 1. Date display can be ambiguous if a 2-digit year could also be a day in a month, e.g. _21-04-23_ could be _2021-04-23_ or _2023-04-21_ 
 2. Date display can be unclear for dates in a different century, e.g. _21-04-71_ could be _2071-04-21_ or _1971-04-21_ 
 3. The current format is kind-of-German where @d.m.y@ or @d.m.Y@ would be used. Given that TYPO3 targets an internal audience, a bias like this should be removed. 

 For these reasons this reason the usual ISO date format @Y-m-d@ should be used by default to solve these issues. 

 Also see where basically all countries prefer a 4-digit year to avoid the above mentioned ambiguities.
