Bug #103688
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi 7 months ago
h3. Prerequsites # TYPO3 12.4.14 13.1.0-dev (latest main) # a "main language" (e.g. "English" ID=0) and another language (e.g. "Italian" ID=1) # a "Draft" workspace h3. Steps to reproduce # Create a standard page in default language # Translate it into the other language # Switch to "Draft" workspace *(important)* # On default language, create a CE (e.g CTYPE "Header Only", with Header "Test in default language") # Translate the element *with connected mode (important)* # Change the headline to "Test in other language" # On the page, switch to the "Workspaces" module h3. Results You should see something as the following screeshot !Cattura2.png! If you place the cursor on the icons on the "Integrity" column icons, you'll see a double-encoded character (see screenshot)