


Bug #104140

Updated by Andreas Wolf 12 days ago

h3. Environment 

 * Translated page, field "media" "field media" 
 * No existing file relations in both original language and translation 
 * In translated page: "Value of default language" selected as "Translation behavior" 

 h3. The problem 

 When adding a new relation and saving the record, the new relation vanishes. On v11, there seems to be an error message about inserting a record where it is not allowed (reported by an end user). 

 The problem is not there when setting "Translation behavior" to "Custom value". 

 h3. Possible solution 

 1. Selecting "Value of default language" should make the field read-only, i.e. hide the buttons for adding new relations, and probably also make the IRRE record r/o. 
 2. Changing from "custom value" to "value of default language" should reset the custom relations 

 h3. Additional information 

 * Existing records added with "Custom value" are kept when saving the record with "Value of default language" enabled)
