


Bug #103925

Updated by Ayke Halder 11 days ago

Tested on 13.2.0-dev (but I guess also 12 is affected) 

 - Open live Search 
 - search something that gives you a lot of results 
 - Use the keyboard to navigate the interface (Tab key & arrows keys) 

 h3. Results 

 You will see that pretty everything is reachable using tab key and arrows key, *except the pagination on the bottom left* 

 h3. Technical background 

 The navigation links are implemented as @@customElement('typo3-backend-live-search-result-page')@ 
 This custom element does not have any button or link features. 
 The current implementation only reacts on click events. Keyboard actions like key-press @Enter@ or @Space@ are not implemented. 

 Simply making this navigation reachable by keaboard (e.g. @tabindex="0"@) will not make it work.
