


Bug #104717

Updated by Philipp Kuhlmay 6 months ago

It seems that at least the dashboard with the "missing meta descriptions" is missing.  

 It is not registered at all. 

 The registration is done inside @EXT:seo/Configuration/Services.php@, but the code doesn't reach the content inside the if-clause. So the widget is not registered. I couldn't find the definition for "Widget:class" inside the $containerBuilder definition, as checked inside the if condition. 

 When I register the widget inside the Services.yaml, it works. But this cannot be the solution as it needs to be checked, whether the EXT:dashboard is loaded or not. 

 I mark this as a regression, as this worked already in the past. 

 TYPO3 main branch (v13) 
 PHP 8.2 

 EXT:seo and EXT:dashboard are installed
