Bug #104679
Updated by Benjamin Franzke about 2 months ago
System settings: Light mode, Windows 10, Chrome / Firefox #104676 brings a new style for .has-change CSS class of form elements. This leads to the following behavior: +-Scenario 1:-+ +Scenario 1:+ -When When I, as a user, insert a new content element, all input and selection fields are immediately colored blue and the form label is marked with an info icon. When the mouse hovers over the icon, no further information is given as to why the info icon is there or why the field is colored blue. These are also not mandatory fields.- fields. -Wish: Wish: A note for the user when the mouse hovers over the icon would be desirable. In addition, not all fields should immediately be marked blue per se.- se. +Scenario 2:+ If I select a field in an existing content element, make a different selection (select field) or enter additional text (input field) and completely undo these changes, the fields are still displayed in blue with an info icon in front of them, without there being any actual change. Wish: If no content change has been made in the field, then the field should not be marked blue and the label should not be marked with an info icon. +Scenario 3:+ If I change a switch checkbox from deactivated to activated in an existing content element/data record, then the .has-change class has no visual influence on the field and thus the change to the field is not clear. In addition, a change to a switch checkbox generally does not lead to an icon on the form label. +Scenario 4:+ If I make a change in an RTE, then the field is neither colored blue nor is an info icon placed in front of the label. This is probably for technical reasons (CKEditor), but its behavior is in contrast to the now strong visual highlighting of changes in the other form fields.