Bug #103693
Updated by Benjamin Franzke 3 months ago
datetime fields are renderend differently (with timezone shift) in titles titels inside the record recoord editor (record title, titel, inline record title): *in list view:* !Bildschirmfoto%20vom%202024-04-21%2012-07-31.png! *in edit-view:* !Bildschirmfoto%20vom%202024-04-21%2012-28-46.png! *in inline headers:* !Bildschirmfoto%20vom%202024-04-21%2012-11-40.png! *???* !Bildschirmfoto%20vom%202024-04-21%2012-09-40.png! Elsewhere (Title in Record list in backend, also in Frontend and datetime edit field in backend) the rendering is correct, without timezone shift. h3. TCA (record with date displayed wrong, reffered record): <pre><code class="php"> 'label' => 'date_time', 'label_alt' => 'title, location_name, location_city', 'label_alt_force' => true, ... ... 'date_time' => array( 'exclude' => 0, 'label' => $LLL_nemtourdates_date.'date_time', 'config' => array( 'type' => 'input', 'renderType' => 'inputDateTime', 'dbType' => 'datetime', 'eval' => 'datetime,requiered' ), ), </code></pre> h3. TCA edited record: <pre><code class="php"> 'label_alt' => 'last_name, first_name, date', 'label_alt_force' => true, ... ... 'date_time' => array( 'exclude' => 0, 'label' => $LLL_nemtourdates_ticketreservation.'date_time', 'config' => array( 'type' => 'input', 'renderType' => 'inputDateTime', 'dbType' => 'datetime', 'eval' => 'datetime' ), ), 'date' => array( 'exclude' => 0, 'label' => $LLL_nemtourdates_ticketreservation.'date', 'config' => array( 'type' => 'inline', 'foreign_table' => 'tx_nemtourdates_domain_model_date', 'overrideChildTca' => array( 'types' => array( 1 => array('showitem' => '--palette--;;show_short,--palette--;;price_short') ), 'columns' => array( 'location_name' => [ 'config' =>[ 'readOnly' => true ] ], 'play' => [ 'config' =>[ 'readOnly' => true ] ], 'price_regular' => [ 'config' =>[ 'readOnly' => true ] ], 'price_kids' => [ 'config' =>[ 'readOnly' => true ] ], 'price_reduced' => [ 'config' =>[ 'readOnly' => true ] ], 'currency' => [ 'config' =>[ 'readOnly' => true ] ], ) ), 'behaviour' => array( 'enableCascadingDelete' => false, ), 'appearance' => array( 'enabledControls' => array( 'info' => true, 'hide' => false, 'delete' => false ) ), 'maxitems' => 1 ), ), </code></pre>