

Philipp Gampe


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 157 157
Reported issues 0 261 261


Project Roles Registered on
TYPO3 Core Contributor 2013-05-05



12:46 TYPO3 Core Feature #59312: No possibility to remove missing indexed files from DB
Sybille Peters wrote in #note-25:
> Question: This issue is about removing sys_file entries with missing=1 (where th...
Philipp Gampe


10:37 TYPO3 Core Bug #90568 (Closed): BE user cookie set regardless of session
The BE user cookie is always set once a user visited the /typo3 login page. Even after logout, a BE user cookie is st... Philipp Gampe


14:48 TYPO3 Core Bug #75881: Improper usage of processed files
I did not verify lately, but at least the back in the days, the API returned an unprocessed file object in case of er... Philipp Gampe


14:30 TYPO3 Core Bug #81992 (Resolved): bin/* is ignored
Applied in changeset commit:e7456dd07844af2322de328230b5ab545623f7da. Philipp Gampe
14:15 TYPO3 Core Revision e7456dd0: [TASK] Cleanup .gitignore
Make sure root level excludes are prefix with
a forward slash (/).
Sort the .gitignore into logical groups.
Philipp Gampe


16:30 TYPO3 Core Bug #81992 (Resolved): bin/* is ignored
Applied in changeset commit:70bcd648fe56e2438743768dd76325b068acfa82. Philipp Gampe
16:28 TYPO3 Core Revision 70bcd648: [TASK] Cleanup .gitignore
Make sure root level excludes are prefix with
a forward slash (/).
Sort the .gitignore into logical groups.
Philipp Gampe


15:30 TYPO3 Core Bug #81992 (Resolved): bin/* is ignored
Applied in changeset commit:d0a54d7dd3d7d563119e3f8a3e7c83c71d3ee6f9. Philipp Gampe
15:30 TYPO3 Core Feature #23494 (Resolved): config.additionalHeaders - add stdWrap
Applied in changeset commit:2124bba49f68f5c35705c5c499abe6a0ee95a6cf. Philipp Gampe
15:27 TYPO3 Core Revision 2124bba4: [FEATURE] Add stdWrap to config.additionalHeaders
Add stdWrap to the elements header, replace and httpResponseCode.
Resolves: #23494
Related: #56236
Releases: master
Philipp Gampe

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