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- Login: snoy_ms
- Registered on: 2008-11-11
- Last sign in: 2016-01-22
open | closed | Total | |
Assigned issues | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Reported issues | 0 | 4 | 4 |
13:28 TYPO3 Core Bug #24968: Pagetree inline editing produces wrong characters with special chars and without forceCharset=utf-8
- When i delete line $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['forceCharset'] = '' the installtool shows me utf-8 and it works without pr...
04:07 TYPO3 Core Bug #24968: Pagetree inline editing produces wrong characters with special chars and without forceCharset=utf-8
- Without forceCharset same problem. Firfox/Mac.
What happens here:
JS change the label after editing correct. Same...
23:45 TYPO3 Core Feature #24283: DBAL error in INSTALL TOOL > ADONewConnection: Unable to load database driver ''
- I could be wrong, but it would be interesting to see the database driver "string" while doing install. Maybe its empt...
22:31 TYPO3 Core Bug #24895: Images with links doesn´t work
- I tested it with a fresh 4.5 trunk and fluidtemplate, this works fine. Would be nice to see someone testing an upgrad...
02:48 TYPO3 Core Bug #24875: Thumbnails of PDF files not working anymore
- File links (content element) with PDF and layout1...3 works for me. Thumbnail gets generated in FE.
21:51 TYPO3 Core Bug #24851: Dependencies in sysext 'version' and 'workspaces'
- Looks nice, and works for me. Warning is gone... :-)
16:27 TYPO3 Core Bug #24851: Dependencies in sysext 'version' and 'workspaces'
- Hey all,
thanks for explanation. For me it isn't a problem, i just get these warnings within my trunk/debug instal... -
13:59 TYPO3 Core Bug #24851: Dependencies in sysext 'version' and 'workspaces'
- Ah, ok. Just get these php warnings and want to be sure.
12:05 TYPO3 Core Bug #24848: content page and content version
- Relationship to i think.
11:58 TYPO3 Core Bug #24806: Changing Workspace does not refresh tree
- I added two workspaces with there own db mounts. When switch between them it works for me. I can't reproduce it here....
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