



Bug #24895


Images with links doesn´t work

Added by Basti Baumann over 13 years ago. Updated about 9 years ago.

Should have
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After upgrading to 4.5.0 links in image records don´t work.
In TYPO3 versions < 4.5.0 all of the image links are in one input field separated with commas.
Now these links are in a textarea, one per line.
But the link rendering in frontend doesn´t work. All of the links are assignet to the first image. The Link looks so:

And lines without links will be ignored.

(issue imported from #M17410)


image_link_bug.png (74.7 KB) image_link_bug.png Administrator Admin, 2011-01-30 16:08

Related issues 2 (0 open2 closed)

Has duplicate TYPO3 Core - Bug #25077: images with links - only the first link worksClosed2011-02-18

Has duplicate TYPO3 Core - Bug #25376: Image links need to be comma separated (not one link per line as labeled)RejectedSteffen Gebert2011-03-23

Actions #1

Updated by Sascha no-lastname-given over 13 years ago

I tested it with a fresh 4.5 trunk and fluidtemplate, this works fine. Would be nice to see someone testing an upgrade with already used image links.

Actions #2

Updated by Björn Pedersen over 13 years ago

Check carefully, wether you have hand-written TypoScript (may even frmom some extension) that overwrites the new css-styled-content TypoScript for images.

Actions #3

Updated by Kurt Kunig over 13 years ago

I found the same failure, look at in one very new TYPO3 V4.5 installation.
I included out of the static templates this:
"CSS Styled Content TYPO3 V4.4" instead of "CSS Styled Content".
I deleted "CSS Styled Content TYPO3 V4.4" and inserted "CSS Styled Content":
RESULT: The links are now correct!

Kind regards from Jülich
Kurt Kunig, kupix webdesign

Actions #4

Updated by Kurt Kunig over 13 years ago

To say it simpler:

root-template -> includes -> static templates:

insert "CSS Styled Content"

RESULT: All links are set!

Actions #5

Updated by Falk Kühnel over 13 years ago

i still have the problem, even with 4.5 css styled content used. happens only when i have more than 1 image. a single link works fine.

will investigate further. Anyone know, where the image link handling happens?

Actions #6

Updated by Tom K. over 13 years ago

I resolved this problem by adding the following Typoscript:

tt_content.image.20.1.imageLinkWrap.typolink.parameter.override.listNum.splitChar = 10

BR Thomas

Actions #7

Updated by Kurt Kunig over 13 years ago

Perhaps it will be resolved by the new version 4.5.1!?

Actions #8

Updated by Jo Hasenau over 13 years ago

What exactly would you like to be solved then?

4.5.0 already contains the correct TypoScript for the new image link handling with line breaks instead of a comma.

If you have your own TS you must change the listNum.splitChar to 10 (line break) to adapt it to the new behaviour.

IMHO nothing that could be handled by a fix in the core.

Actions #9

Updated by Jo Hasenau over 13 years ago

BTW: You can still use the "old school" way of image link handling, if you don't run the update script that changes each comma into a line break.

And you have to enter the comma between two links manually as you had to do before 4.5

In this case you should NOT include the new TypoScript setup but the one matching your compat version.

Actions #10

Updated by Falk Kühnel over 13 years ago

I have done the conversion on 4.5.0 and the split does not work properly. I am using the current CSS styled content but the problem was only solved by including the mentioned setting
tt_content.image.20.1.imageLinkWrap.typolink.parameter.override.listNum.splitChar = 10

I looked into the typoscript analyzer and did not find that parameter set before i entered it in the setup manually.

So what went wrong during the update? Or what did i forget to do to get it to work without changing the setting manually?

Actions #11

Updated by Jo Hasenau over 13 years ago

There is no such line as


in the original TS setup. So this must be something you entered manually in a template. Therefor you have to change it manually as well, since the update can not guess what changes you have made to the original template.

Actions #12

Updated by Jo Hasenau over 13 years ago

I guess this could be a problem of an extension that includes own TS-setup as well. AFAIR there are some similar changes made by DAM-tt_content to have stuff from the DAM record override the original tt_content fields.

If this is the case maybe you could file a bug in the DAM team tracker.

Actions #13

Updated by Falk Kühnel over 13 years ago

Thanks for the hint, i will look into that.
The cc styled content comes with this line
tt_content.image.20.1.imageLinkWrap.typolink.parameter.listNum.splitChar = 10
But as i said it does not work. I am using dam in the setup, so i will take a look at the ts of dam and file a bugreport if necessary.

Actions #14

Updated by Falk Kühnel over 13 years ago

Found the script, that changed the tt_content.image
It was rgsmoothgallery.

Thanks for the insight Jo. Without that, the css styled content works as it is supposed to.

Actions #15

Updated by Jo Hasenau over 13 years ago

Of course this line does not work, since according to your example there must be at least one "override" that will render the original listNum useless.

But this does not come from the original TS setup, which is why I don't know how to fix this in the core.

Actions #16

Updated by Falk Kühnel over 13 years ago

There is no need to fix anything in the core. Everything is fine as it is.
This was an extension the caused the problem by overriding the TS

Oh and it was rzlightbox, not rgsmoothgalley. Sorry for the mixup.

Actions #17

Updated by internezzo ag over 13 years ago

Check for extension "pmkslimbox" --> it also overrides the TS code from css styled content.

Actions #18

Updated by Steffen Gebert about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to Rejected
  • Target version deleted (0)
  • TYPO3 Version set to 4.5
Actions #19

Updated by William Searle about 13 years ago

I also had this problem and found the JQ_LIGHTBOX was the cause. Just a heads up.

Actions #20

Updated by Adrien Jacob about 11 years ago

Putting the following TS was not enough for me :
tt_content.image.20.1.imageLinkWrap.typolink.parameter.listNum.splitChar = 10

So, instead of adding the "css_styled_content" extension, which caused some other issues in my configuration, I simply added the following line of code : = register : IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT

And it worked fine !

Actions #21

Updated by Dmitry Dulepov over 10 years ago

  • Is Regression set to No

In case if anybody else encounters this issue, here is the solution:

tt_content.image.20.1.stdWrap.typolink.parameter.listNum.splitChar = 10

The problem is that the field was made multiline but listNum uses a comma by default to split its values. In case of multiline it should be \n. The line above does that.

The bug was rejected improperly. It is a valid bug report.

Actions #22

Updated by Dmitry Dulepov over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Rejected to New
Actions #23

Updated by Riccardo De Contardi about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

I close this because since version 6.x the links in images are managed in a different way, using the FAL and setting individual links for each image record


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