

Stefanos Karasavvidis

  • Login: stefos
  • Registered on: 2009-09-24
  • Last sign in: 2024-06-12


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 10 10



05:17 TYPO3 Core Bug #87641: Increase StaticRangeMapper max range or make it configurable
Georg Ringer wrote in #note-11:
> just being curious:
> > 20000 posts, with 15 items per post
> how do you...
Stefanos Karasavvidis


05:06 TYPO3 Core Bug #87641: Increase StaticRangeMapper max range or make it configurable
Markus Pircher wrote in #note-7:
> For this case i created my own StaticNumberRangeMapper for only numeric range and ...
Stefanos Karasavvidis


10:03 TYPO3 Core Bug #91259: New symfony expression syntax provides no replacement for [else] and does not document this removal either
I am now confused with the latest patch.
The patch description suggests that the [ELSE] statement in typoscript is...
Stefanos Karasavvidis


13:17 TYPO3 Core Bug #91259: New symfony expression syntax provides no replacement for [else] and does not document this removal either
I really do not know whether the documentation is wrong or the error message. What I can confirm is that the conditio... Stefanos Karasavvidis


15:58 TYPO3 Core Bug #86722: Not possible to deactivate deprecation-log in typo3temp/var/log/
to make sure I understand: in order to disable the deprecation log, I have to install a custom extension that uses th... Stefanos Karasavvidis


17:02 TYPO3 Core Bug #91259 (Closed): New symfony expression syntax provides no replacement for [else] and does not document this removal either
I'm on TYPO3 10.4.1 and try to use a typoscript condition with ELSE part. The following is a sample to the default ty... Stefanos Karasavvidis


11:39 TYPO3 Core Bug #87182: ActionMenuItemViewHelper issue with selected-attribute
corrected minor typos in test extension Stefanos Karasavvidis
11:28 TYPO3 Core Bug #87182: ActionMenuItemViewHelper issue with selected-attribute
to reproduce this, you can use the attached extension. It has a simple backend module (under admin tools) that uses t... Stefanos Karasavvidis


20:50 TYPO3 Core Revision 8b26ad40: [BUGFIX] Use proper exception messages for Scheduler::fetchTask()
Use a proper message in case a non existent uid was passed and
correctly handle the case where no task uid was passed...
Stefanos Karasavvidis
20:50 TYPO3 Core Revision b62cff95: [BUGFIX] Use proper exception messages for Scheduler::fetchTask()
Use a proper message in case a non existent uid was passed and
correctly handle the case where no task uid was passed...
Stefanos Karasavvidis

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