

Alexander Schnitzler

  • Login: alex_schnitzler
  • Registered on: 2011-10-10
  • Last sign in: 2024-10-17


open closed Total
Assigned issues 7 261 268
Reported issues 14 427 441


Project Roles Registered on
TYPO3 Core Contributor 2018-01-02



07:56 TYPO3 Core Bug #105310 (Resolved): \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Schema\Parser\Parser translates CHAR to VARCHAR
Given the following ext_tables.sql... Alexander Schnitzler


17:58 TYPO3 Core Feature #103154 (New): Ignore tables during database analysis
very often when integrating third party software, said software bypasses TYPO3 internals but also manages table...
Alexander Schnitzler


09:58 TYPO3 Core Bug #102355 (Rejected): Extbase resolves all 1:n relations even though count indicates no releations
Extbases DataMapper resolves relations to other entities. 1:n relations usually store a relation count on the parent,... Alexander Schnitzler
09:49 TYPO3 Core Bug #102354 (New): Extbase creates new prepared statement for each query
The TYPO3 DBAL abstraction creates prepared statements for each query for security reasons. Usually that's not a prob... Alexander Schnitzler


10:04 TYPO3 Core Task #102335 (Accepted): TransportFactory should instantiate custom transports via DI container
Currently, when using @$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['MAIL']['transport'] = '<classname>';@ and/or @$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CON... Alexander Schnitzler


14:07 TYPO3 Core Bug #98545: file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect
> h3. B) Why is the warning not supressed?
> L2158 is a @file_exists@ in a TRY block with pokemon exception handli...
Alexander Schnitzler
13:55 TYPO3 Core Bug #101921: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/typo3/sysext/form/Resources/Public/Css/form.css) is not within the allowed
I can confirm this bug. The problem is that TYPO3 does calculate the web path for several resources in several places... Alexander Schnitzler


06:04 TYPO3 Core Feature #102027 (Under Review): Use DI to autoconfigure extbase repositories
Alexander Schnitzler


13:21 TYPO3 Core Bug #101522 (New): \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\RelationHandler::purgeItemArray only works with workspaces enabled
I have the following situation: I want to use the datahandler to delete records in the backend via command map delete... Alexander Schnitzler


09:55 TYPO3 Core Task #101459 (In Progress): Introduce type declarations in AbstractFile
Alexander Schnitzler

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