Task #102335
openTransportFactory should instantiate custom transports via DI container
Currently, when using $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['MAIL']['transport'] = '<classname>';
and/or $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['MAIL']['transport_spool_type'] = '<classname>';
, the class in question is instantiated via makeInstance()
along with constructor arguments, which does not allow to use a configured service here which itself allows for DI. this also blocks extending AbstractTransport
which does a lot of useful logic already you don't want to reimplement.
The core should use a signaling interface here like MailSettingsAware
which passes the mail settings to the service (if needed) instead of passing those along as constructor arguments, especially since those are available through $GLOBALS
Updated by Benni Mack 4 months ago
- Target version changed from 13 LTS to Candidate for Major Version
Updated by Benni Mack 2 months ago
needs to be considered with Install Tool in mind, where we also use the TransportFactory with manual wiring.